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June 12, 2016

Your partner / friend who is a long chat on WhatsApp, here Learn

Nowadays everyone has to use WhatsApp May. This is an easy way that you can stay connected to their friends. Everyone wants to hide your personal chat. Perhaps you will do the same and that your partner does the same. What happened, why are surprised to hear that Oh boy, your partner has the right to hide your personal things. You have to wonder what happened? That's not, who's your partner speaks. It is obvious that you will feel like your partner to read the message. How to read and of a personal chat. Let us show you a trick that allows you or your partner can read anyone's personal chats.

1.First you read something that you have the WhatsApp chat for a while, you get his phone.

2. Now Open on your PC.

3. Now that you have the phone call Open WhatsApp and go to Settings, click WhatsApp web.

4. Now the mobile to PC, scan the QR code on the screen.

5. account so your partner will be open on your PC.

6. When that account login  'Keep me logged in' Be sure to click on.

(Note: you keep an eye on anyone else's WhatsApp account Hun not advised.)

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