How can I pass the IBPS exam easily?..!!..
1. Know the exam time well and manage the exam time properly
2. Attend all the sections of the IBPS bank exam
3. Prepare a time plan for each section of the exam paper.
4. Prepare daily
5. Revise already prepare questions daily
6. Write mock tests
7. Collect last 5 year question papers and solve them
8. Write mock tests for each section keeping in mind the time factor.
9. Know your strengths. Know what sections you are good at.
10. Concentrate more on your weaker sections.
11. Know the basic quantitative aptitude questions and concepts well.
12. Increase your accuracy in QA section by practicing more questions regularly
13. Learn the short cut tips to solve the QA questions faster
14. Know the basic reasoning questions and concepts well.
15. Prepare daily news from newspapers and magazines.
16. Study the previous budget well.
17. Study banking related terms for GK paper.
18. Have a basic idea about computer related questions. Remember that there will be 50 questions from computer alone.
19. Know the Basic English grammar properly.
20. Write the exam tension free
21. Prioritize each section in your mind in the order you are going to attend them.
22. Reach the exam hall at least half an hour before the specified time.
23. Have call letter and the necessary documents ready with you for the exam.
24. Bring pen, pencil and other necessary materials for the exam.
25. Know that no one can score too high marks by attempting all the questions correctly.
26. Do not spend more time on questions you have doubts on.
27. Mark only the questions you are sure off. Do not try your luck as the negative marks will make you lose your hard earned marks.
28. Speed matters.try solving the questions in the fastest way.
29. Read online websites to get more updates on banking news
30. Do not get confused with the filling the answer sheet details. If you have any doubts keep asking the invigilators.
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