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March 23, 2020

What Is Lock Down?

What Is LockDown?

L.O.C.K.D.O.W.N is a time to

L -isten to God's voice and reflect. 

O-bey His word and His teachings.

C-all on Jesus's name and be calmed.

K-now what is the purpose of all this.

D-well in His presence. Do not panic.

O-ffer a prayer for everyone's safety.

W-ait and be patient. This too shall pass. 

N-urture our personal relationship with Him.

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lockdown is an emergency protocol that usually prevents people or information from leaving an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority. Lockdowns can also be used to protect people inside a facility or, for example, a computing system, from a threat or other external event. Of buildings, a drill lockdownusually means that doors leading outside are locked such that no person may enter or exit. A full lockdown usually means that people must stay where they are and may not enter or exit a building or rooms within said building. If people are in a hallway, they should go to the nearest safe, enclosed room.

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