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December 9, 2015

Current Affairs Quiz:- Date :- 09 December 2015

International Volunteer Day, domestically developed electricity-powered aircraft and India State of Forest Report among others.

1. GAIL (India) Limited in the last week of November 2015 launched which portal for monitoring the pipeline Right of Use (RoU) through space technology?
a) Bhuvan-GAIL portal 
b) GEO-store portal
c) K&J Satelite Portal
d) StarOne C2 Portal

2. The International Volunteer Day (IVD) was on 5 December 2015 observed across the world what theme?
a) Make change happen, volunteer!
b) The world is changing. Are you? Volunteer!
c) Volunteer Action Counts, volunteer!
d) Build a Better World, volunteer!

3. When is the International Volunteer Day observed?
a) 16 September
b) 29 October
c) 9 November
d) 5 December

4. The first domestically developed electricity-powered aircraft known as RX1E was on 4 November 2015 approved for production. Which country is producing the aircraft?
a) Japan
b) China
c) United States
d) Israel 

5. The Union Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar on 4 November 2015 released the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015. As per the report, India’s forest and tree cover has been increased by what square meters?
a) 6295 sq km
b) 4378 sq km
c) 5081 sq km
d) 7654 sq km

6. When is the World Soil Day (WSD) observed?
a) 2 December
b) 3 December 
c) 4 December
d) 5 December

7. What was the theme of the World Soil Day (WSD) that was observed on 5 December 2015 across the world?
a) Support healthy soils everyday!
b) Soils a solid ground for life
c) Long Live The Soil
d) Soils Sustains Society and the Environment

8. The owners of the world’s largest nuclear complex Bruce Nuclear Generating Station plan on 3 December 2015 decided to spend $9.73 billion US dollars to refurbish six aging reactors to deliver more power. Where is the largest nuclear complex located?
a) Bahamas
b) Cuba
c) Canada
d) Mexico

9. Which High Court on 4 December 2015 made the judgment that the married daughters of deceased government employees are eligible for appointments on compassionate grounds in government jobs?
a) Madras High Court
b) Allahabad High Court
c) Bombay High Court
d) Delhi High Court

10. Name the veteran Dovish Israeli Politician who died on 4 December 2015?
a) Yossi Sarid
b) Yishai Abdullah
c) Yaakov Sarood
d) Shulamit Aloni

11. Online buying and selling platform Quikr on 4 December 2015 acquired which company to enhance its offerings in the property space?
a) RealtyCompass
c) A N Virtual World Tech
d) Genesys International Corp

12. Reliance Communications (RCOM) on 4 December 2015 signed a non-binding pact to sell its tower and optic fibre assets to which two companies?
a) Riverstone Holdings and Roark Capital Group
b) Tillman Global Holdings and Texas Pacific Group
c) Merrill Lynch and Nomura Group
d) JLL Partners and JMI Equity

13. Google on 4 December 2015 released a new app to create 360 degrees panoramic photos in virtual reality for the Cardboard. What is the name of that app?
a) Cardboard Camera
b) Panoramic Camera
c) 360 degrees Camera
d) VR camera

14. Which state on 4 December 2015 launched the International festival on Birds in a bid to promote state as an international bird-watching destination?
a) Bihar
b) Delhi
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Haryana

15. Which country on 4 December 2015 announced a 60 billion US dollars package to African nations during the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held in Johannesburg, South Africa?
a) Japan
b) France
c) Russia
d) China

1-(a)    6-(d)    11-(a)
2-(b)    7-(b)    12-(b)
3-(d)    8-(c)    13-(a)
4-(b)    9-(b)    14-(c)
5-(c)    10-(a)    15-(d)

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