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August 17, 2015

Staff Selection Commission(SSC) CHSL(10+2) Examination 2015 Basic Information

Examination Date : 01-11-201515-11-2015 & 22-11-2015

Examination Pattern :

 Name of Subject Max Marks
 (A) English Language (including Essay and Letter Writing) 50
 (B) General Intelligence and Reasoning 50
 (C) Quantitative Aptitude 50
 (D) General Awareness 50
 Grand Total 200

  1. The question paper will be divided in 4 parts.
  2. Each part carries max. 50 marks.
  3. There will be no objective type questions and all questions should be solved on answer sheet in the general descriptive way.
  4. The whole test will consists 200 max marks.
  5. The total time duration will be 2:00Hrs. (120 Mins)

Tips To Score Maximum in Descriptive Test of SSC :

  1. Try to get more precise in your answers and don’t write anything irrelevant.
  2. Try to solve essay . letters first as they can take your max time. Then approach for other sections.
  3. If your English writing skills are not good, then leave this part and make good score in other sections.
  4. In numerical questions, don’t worry about wright answer. Just follow the steps correctly while solving and you will get some marks, no matter your answer is wright or wrong.
  5.  Don’t go for whole paper, just focus on what you have on your strong zone. Attempt those questions first where you sure about right answer and leave the rest of doubtful questions to save time.

 What is Descriptive Test?

Descriptive Test will consist of English Language Comprehension, Short Précis, Letter Writing & Essay). some topics which may be relevant for SSC Exam.

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